
Reporting Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Online Hate: A Feasibility Study

A collaborative effort by the Ontario Digital Literacy and Access Network (ODLAN) and Wisdom2Action Consulting Ltd. (W2A), explores the feasibility of developing a community-based tool to track and report anti-2SLGBTQIA+ online hate. The study was conducted under the Digital Resilience Project, funded by the Digital Citizen Contribution Program, and builds upon prior research on online hate targeting 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.

The Internet Isn't All Rainbows (report pdf)

The Internet isn’t all rainbows: Exposing and Mitigating Online

Anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate is on the rise across Canada. To better understand queerphobic online hate, its impacts, and the efforts used to address it, ODLAN partnered with Wisdom2Action, to engage leaders of 2SLGBTQ+ organizations in a consultation process consisting of a series of focus groups. The Internet Isn’t All Rainbows: Exposing and Mitigating Online Queerphobic Hate Against 2SLGBTQ+ Organizations summarizes the findings of the consultation, organized by the themes that emerged during the analysis of focus group transcripts. A brief literature review has been included. The report also provides a set of recommendations in response to its findings.

Learning through Action: Community-based Interventions for Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Online Hate

This innovative program is designed to expand ODLAN’s foundational tools and networks in order to strengthen our capacity for building relationships focused on enhancing the digital capabilities of organizations serving 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. By providing tailored training, resources, and support, ODLAN aims to bridge the digital divide and empower these organizations to leverage technology for greater outreach, advocacy, and community building.

Exciting News: New Online Training Available Now!

Online Training

We’re pleased to announce an update for our project “Digital Safety Strategies: Mitigating and Preventing Queerphobic Online Hate”. For this project, we built upon our previous research on anti-2SLGBTQIA+ online hate to develop our training modules titled, “Understanding and Addressing Online Hate Targeting 2SLGBTQIA+ Organizations.” Organizations and individuals who participate in our free training will learn about the rise of anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate in Canada and strategies for staying safe online.

This free on-demand training series will help you understand anti-2SLGBTQIA+ online hate. You’ll learn to identify different types of online hate and safer ways to deal with the problem. While the training series is designed for nonprofit staff in Canada, people in other roles and countries may benefit from the information. Upon finishing the modules, participants can request a certificate of completion. Upon completion, we invite you to share your feedback with us.

This training was produced by ODLAN in collaboration with NTEN.