Research Report
The Internet Isn’t All Rainbows: Exposing and Mitigating Online Queerphobic Hate against 2SLGBTQ+ Organizations
How Allies Can Address and Prevent the Rise of Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Hate
Tips to protect 2SLGBTQIA+ communities from Social Media cyberbullying & harassment
Most common hallmarks of hate used against 2SLGBTQIA+ Communities
4 Strategies Media Outlets Should Implement to Protect Rainbow Communities from Online Hate & Disinformation
Tips to Combat Far-right Hate and Fascism Online
Addressing Online Harms Against 2SLGBTQ+ People
Mitigating Queerphobic Online Hate PT. 2
Mitigating Queerphobic Online Hate PT. 3
Mitigating Queerphobic Online Hate PT. 4
Mitigating Queerphobic Online Hate PT. 5
Online Training
Exciting News: New Online Training Available Now!
We’re pleased to announce an update for our project “Digital Safety Strategies: Mitigating and Preventing Queerphobic Online Hate. For this project, we built upon our previous research on anti-2SLGBTQIA+ online hate to develop our training modules titled, “Understanding and Addressing Online Hate Targeting 2SLGBTQIA+ Organizations.” Organizations and individuals who participate in our free training will learn about the rise of anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate in Canada and strategies for staying safe online.
This free on-demand training series will help you understand anti-2SLGBTQIA+ online hate. You’ll learn to identify different types of online hate and safer ways to deal with the problem. While the training series is designed for nonprofit staff in Canada, people in other roles and countries may benefit from the information. Upon finishing the modules, participants can request a certificate of completion. Upon completion, we invite you to share your feedback with us.
This training was produced by ODLAN in collaboration with NTEN.